Wednesday, July 28, 2010

This Week....

Thursday already?
It's been a busy week, which is evident by my lack of posting. Wanna catch up?
Monday....Little Wonders Photo Shoot. Miss Natalie is amazing with the kiddos. A-mazing! If you are in search of a phenomenal early literacy program, signing course or Love & Logic Parenting Program contact Little Wonders. You will not be disappointed!

Tuesday...."Home Day" which became date with W day as he was really needing some one-one Mommy time. Nothing like a trip to the local truck stop to play the "claw game" to happy-up a little boy. Except the games were under construction and that was just "stupid!" so we had to journey on and find more elsewhere. Aaaahhhh....we're all class and fun, this family of mine! We
finally found something fun, ran some errands and were home for naps, more play, and a snuggle or two.

Wednesday....birthday breakfast with my ever-lovin' sister...thank you! It's our yearly tradition for both our birthdays. Breakfast with just the sisters although there was a year or two that I had a nursing babe in a bucket seat in tow.
After the Sunshine Panini at Cora's it was off to the toy store to spend some piggy bank money. One little boy sat on an empty shelf and cried his heart out because the toy he had his heart set on was sold out. Poor gaffer.
Yes, he found another that would do and then we packed up to hit the Children's Hospital to play(my kids LOVE the "hopital" and beg to go there. Can you teItalicll we've spent too much time at Children's? It's a playdate for them.) and pick up the Oximeter machine for Bup. He's sleeping with a glowing index finger as I write measure his O2 levels as there's a hint or two that his adenoids are enlarged. This little man never closes his mouth...never...and snores a lot. So....we're checking things out.

Tonight was "Craft Night" at Sissie's. Just three of us.
Ahhhh....girl talk, a little crocheting, a little wine, a little cheese, a little suburban chainsaw....that would be me with the electric knife and a glue gun. Imagine what I could create with that! Well, stay tuned! I plan to turn this....

...into this! Not quite as elaborate of course, but you get the idea. My son loves a doll house. He plays with them whenever found, oogles over them in the toy store...sooo....I'm not about to buy one because I'm sure the interest has a short life span however why not foster his imagination? Once the creation is complete, I'll be sure to post pictures. The dwelling is half way finished and hiding in the basement. It'll be fun to surprise him!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunny Sheerness

Our yearly trek to Sheerness for the family water well camp out took place this weekend. It was a smaller group due to other commitments and we really missed one particular couple; Grandma J & Grandpa B. It wasn't quite the same without them, even though we had a lot of sunshine, fun and maybe a bit too much wine.
There were some cheeky moments too, that I couldn't resist getting on film. It was late evening and Bup was allowed to stay up rather than risk him waking his brother. This is a big treat for our Buppy as it's usually the other way around and he got to play on the giant blow up water slide/climbing wall. Hence, the pull up hanging around his knees.
Speaking of Bup, he was pretty funny and sneaky this weekend. Sat morning bright and early he saunters out of the trailer, pulls down his jammies and pees under the gazebo! Gaaa! Sunday morning while I'm trying to get dressed he sneaks out....totally naked...and just plays cars & trucks on the mat, completely ignoring me telling him to come in the trailer!
W of course, played and played and played with the other kids. Unfortunately he had three mishaps, one of which I was certain would include a trip to the closest hospital as he fell off the top (about 15 foot drop) of the water slide and belly flopped onto the ground. Oh! My little man. He scares me....his tumbles, and bumps and bruises. I'm so grateful he wasn't seriously hurt.
His risk taking also is what makes us as parents proud though. For example, today he water skied!!! Mr. W...still 4yrs, almost up on the skis and skied! I'm so proud! And a little sad that I missed it. Hopefully, one of our friends got pictures.
Watching the boys play outside endlessly and have so much fun is good for the soul. As is adult conversation and laughter around the fire while the kiddos are sleeping. Ahhhh....camping.

The Scholar

Reading the hymnal during Family Night at VBS.
Our little scholar.
Cute hey?
Soon, I'll snap a better shot of him in his new spectacles. He's doing really well with them....for a 3yr old. If he could just master getting them over his ears and stop putting them on upside down.

The Pebblebug Place

Inspired by the funny, creative and cool Sewing Dork, who also happens to be local! I recently acquired these logs from an area where damaged trees had been cut and left for naught. Well! Someone read my thoughts after reading the Sewing Dorks blog about creating a sweet, little natural spot for her little girlie to have outdoor tea parties. Here these three logs were just waiting for me to load them in the trunk and take them home.
Now, my boys won't party with tea all the time, but they sure love bugs. Pebble bugs too. So, here it is ..... our pebblebug meeting place! Bup spends quite a bit of time out there. He's always arranging his "adybugs". They need a Mommy he told me, cause here's the daddy and one brother and another brother, but no mommy.
Maybe, we'll just have to create her one day soon too!

Kitschy Kitchen...I love Fred!

Measuring cups drive me bonkers! They do not stack thus messing up the cupboard and take up way too much room.
But wait... then I found these charming ladies! Aren't they adorable? Cute, tidy and ready to measure.
"Fred" also has kids drink glasses that are Russian stacking dolls; Babush Cups. I want them too! But...maybe my boys would not? Who has girls that I can spoil? Anyone?
Fred has the coolest products. I'm completely smitten. Cause really... what girl doesn't need matryoshka measuring spoons, food face plates or brain shaped ice cubes and oh, so much more.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Redesign - Blouse & Flip Flops

Inspired by the talented Lex's tutorial, I turned a men's button down shirt into this peasant style blouse. It's pretty simple, yet I quite enjoy it. Today, I wore and loved it. Comfy & cool.
Sewing is something I enjoy...sort of. I enjoy the outcome. I enjoy the process. Creating. Changing. Reading patterns? Not so much. Therefore refashioning is the perfect option. I've got four more shirts in my closet that are tagged to redo.
What about you? Any re purposing in your sewing repertoire?

Sadly my sister is shoe poor. Her lady-like tootsies are not of ladies' sizes. They're.....large. For a gal that is.Being 6"0 tall and having four kids does have a lot to do with this. So, finding cute sandals or just dressier shoes is the most difficult treasure hunt of the century, not to forget incredibly expensive. Mucho moola!
A little idea, to pretty up some flip flops for my deserving sister, became reality. What do you think? Would you assume that these are men's? Will they pass with a cute summer dress? I'm handing them off tonight. Here's hoping Netta likes them too!
The velvet ribbon is from our grandmother's sewing kit and the sequin trim is leftover from an aunt's treasures. They are both attached by hand. Can I just say I was wishing for glue! Hand sewing with invisible thread can be a little tricky. Slippery...hard to see. Thank goodness for a little patience and a thimble!
Voila! Pretty updated flip flops for my pretty sister.

Eye Spy TSC

Opthamology day for R at the Children's Hospital today. Just the routine, yearly check up which I almost postponed out of the desire for a less busy day. With W at VBS and a kind friend willing to take him home with her, Bup and I set out for a quick appt in the Vision Clinic.
Quick? Bahahhahahhaaa! I know better than that! Start to finish was 2.5 hrs which gave us the chance to pop up to Urology to enquire about his next appt there, have lunch and a little play. By the time we returned to Vision Bup looked like he was on some interesting drugs by the size of his pupils and the thin Iris line surrounding those giant pupils. I know what that feeling is like and kept trying to stay far back when speaking to him as I knew he couldn't see me properly. He handled it well.
Until the sweet Dr needed to look closely in his eyes with her magical lens. Then the tears and struggle began. It took two of us to hold him still. It's always upsetting to restrain your child. Always. Even when you know he's not being hurt. With me whispering in his ear, holding his body, and the assistant holding his head Dr. E was finally able to get a good view of that little tumor that is there.
It has not changed! Wuhoo! Still small, still stable even though it's location is horrible. Close to the center of the retina. So far so good though.
The big change?
Bup's new prescription for glasses.
Glasses! At 3yrs.
His right eye is quite near sighted and this has increased dramatically since last year. Deal with it now and hopefully in the future his eyes will even out. To leave it without correction could mean that his brain would take over and shut the right eye down. Whoa! The brain is amazing!
So Bup will be the cutest little 3 yr old boy with glasses and super cool just like his dad.
Ever tried eye glass shopping with and for a 3yr old? It's interesting. Takes a lot of reverse psychology, and play interruptions. After some time we finally made a choice and I sure hope they look good. What a tough decision!
Next step......keeping the glasses on!

(*the fuzzy, crummy pics were taken on my cell phone...hence the high quality*)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Potato Salad - Vegan

Mmmmm.....Potato Salad certainly says summer!
Switch it up a little with this new version to try. Vegan style.
It's super yummy. Served outside with all natural smokies, "snails" (rice macaroni with Special Cheese (cashew) sauce.) Even W & B professed it was delish. Of course, Bup wouldn't even try it only because he wanted more smokies.

Summer Potato Salad
2-3 cups cooked, cubed baby potatoes
3 Tbsp diced green onions
1 cup diced cucumbers
1 cup diced celery
1/4 tsp ground pepper
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup Vegenaise (+ or - according to your taste)

Mix it all together, refrigerate, and enjoy. Yum!

*pic from Taste of Home*

Saturday, July 17, 2010

This Child...

This child needs a pet, a farm, to run and raise animals. A horse, goat, donkey, a black and white dog named Charlie, a brown and black cat named Jeffrey, even a guinea pig. This little W of mine is a lover of all animals. It's amazing to watch him with them as he just glows. His heart shines and he is so gentle and happy when petting or feeding any animal. A lover of all animals is our little W and it just warms my heart to watch him and my heart cracks just a bit each time because I wish we could give him a menagerie.
Until then... trips to petting zoos, family farms and friends with animals will have to do.

*Please do not judge us for the choice of hat that W is wearing on this day. It's his grandmother's doing...surprisingly not his dad's. He knows this is his dad's team and that we like the red team!*

The Mental Housewife

Mental Mayhem....and I mean me.
Have you ever had those days....or weeks? Where you do things that you normally wouldn't do...or think thoughts that should never cross your mind? You don't? Oh, how I envy you!
My poor husband. Not quite sure how he puts up with the madness that is me...cause it's rampant lately. Here....I'll tell you all about it.
my birthday came and went. The week before my birthday I advised B that I wanted a date for my birthday present. A date. All planned by him including childcare. Wuhoo! I was looking forward to our date night!
Then a few days later...and some guilt over my erratic behavior... I tell my hubby in a voicemail that I don't want a date...I would rather not have a birthday at all.
Husband thinks....okay, crazy wife, check!
Then the day arrives.
No one says happy birthday to me in the morning.
The children are clueless. Cause they're kids...3 & 4 yrs remember?
And I decide that this birthday is kinda blah, so lets do something fun. Off the kiddos and I go to the Guzoo and have a fabulous day! They were so happy, loving and good listeners....despite an incident or two in the car in which I stopped the car, gave them both the stink-eye, my angry voice, and threatened to go home. Maybe the stink-eye worked so well because I kept my sunglasses on?
Anyway....the mental madness continues.
At home the little kiddos are in bed and asleep early (6pm!) cause they are whooped after a long day of travelling and being outside feeding goats, sitting on donkeys and such. As I come up the stairs from Man's World, I'm feeling a little blue cause I've hardly spoke to my hubby all day and there has been no birthday wishes.
As I get to the top of the stairs, there he is with this large, bright, happy bouquet of flowers with the sweetest little card that makes me tear up.
Mental. Me.
Proceed a day.
Family camping trip planned and pending for weeks, months even. I don't want to go. Bup has a cold. Runny nose. Weepy eye. Commenting about wiggly-hand again. I don't want to go. Plus, camping is stressful for me....all the packing, prep, organizing with two little boys in tow.
It's a family event. Our little family and friends with their families.
Over the phone....again....I suggest to my hubby that he and W go while Bup and I stay behind. Silence.
"We can talk about it more when you get home" I offer.
Hubby gets home and automatically consents to me staying home, in the mean time I have phoned a friend who encourages me to go by commenting on how it's family time and means something to my hubby.
Okay! I might just go...with a happy heart even...and just keep a super close eye on Bup, making sure he gets to bed on time and has naps and the like.
Clothes packed, food organized, prep work done....I'm going cause I'm feeling guilty and feel like I do nothing for my family and it's all about me.
By evening, I've changed my mind. Kids are driving me bonkers while driving in the car, after getting on my nerves while trying to use a public washroom at our favorite meat store. My patience is gone. Well, let's be honest here....did I even have any?
On the way home from the super hot dog store, the boys are bugging each other as all kids do, Bup is crying...which happens A LOT...and I lose it. Turn the radio up so super loud that I can't hear them and now they are both really crying because it's scary and hurts their ears and what the heck is their mother doing!!!
(Who does these things? Really? What other-mother tortures her kids with the who have sensitive ears and are sensitive to sound??? W told me he was going to get Gram to kill my ears with the big vacuum. So there! He was thinking about how to get even....poor little mugger.)
Not going camping...again. Bup and I are staying home where his runny nose and weepy eye and night coughing can be done at home. Annnnnndddd....
where my mental behavior can remain hid from the outside world. Except here I am blogging about 445am...while Hubby and W are off camping & Bup is quietly sleeping.
There's no pleasing me, is there?
A friend, laughed and told me that yesterday.
She's right.
But who can please those that are in the eye of their own mental mayhem storm? It's up to me...and well, that's just downright scary.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Spruce Meadows

As the morning sun shone down, we joined Grama G, Auntie N and cousin D for an outing at Spruce Meadows. A day of watching international horse jumping.
Bup found it a little boring. Running back and forth along the bleachers was pretty cool until Auntie stopped his fun. Then he was little bit content to sit beside his big boy cousin and watch the horses. W loved it. He sat and gave us a running commentary as each horse completed the circuit.

Don't let the idyllic description fool you. This is the RWB you are reading about, after all.

I wonder if there's a dress code at Spruce Meadows? Some people were dressed in fancy casual with big hats which was s-m-a-r-t as it was HOT and there is little shade in the bleachers. There were a lot of white jodhpurs about which I commented to my sister that it is not a sport for those with cellulite due to the required attire. How about underwear? Anyone sporting their long line tighty boxers for the event? Oh wait! That was my son.

Yup. We had been there for less than 30 minutes when there was an all-out blow out and one little boy was scrubbed down in the public washroom, while his mother wondered what to do as she was not prepared with a change of clothes. Aha moment! W could go commando in his shorts and R could just wear underwear. And that is just what we did. I-yi-yi! Trust me....

Okay, so we've covered attire. What about etiquette?
Is there a noise limit for patrons? Whispered words? Normal talking? Yelling? Laughing? We laughed a very little. Oh, but there was yelling.
The first real yelling for all the horsey world to hear, was me. Not the kiddos. ME.
Yelling at an older lady. White haired with a big fancy hat.
If you were also there today, you would have witnessed me standing and pointing at this woman, with a crying W hugging my leg, yelling something like, "This is NOT your child. You don't need to say anything!"
Then marching away with W holding my hand and still sobbing.
W was running to catch up with his Grama and Auntie when he fell going up the stairs three times. The third time made him cry and that's when the grouchy grama decided to yell at my son. Telling him to slow down that he was acting like a jumpy horse.
Needless to say I was not pleased. And later not pleased with myself for making a scene.
Afterwards W and I went to a quiet spot to attend to his wounds and heart. Two other moms with strollers and little ones stopped to ask if W was okay. So kind! I admitted that I probably shouldn't have yelled at the lady but I don't like when people judge my kids....and they GOT IT. They agreed. made my hurt little, abashed heart pitter patter.
Thank you to the mom's who checked in to see if W was okay. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
It takes a village to raise a mom, and those ladies helped me today.

Spruce Meadows

As the morning sun shone down, we joined Grama G, Auntie N and cousin D for an outing at Spruce Meadows. A day of watching international horse jumping.
Bup found it a little boring. Running back and forth along the bleachers was pretty cool until Auntie stopped his fun. Then he was little bit content to sit beside his big boy cousin and watch the horses. W loved it. He sat and gave us a running commentary as each horse completed the circuit.

Don't let the idyllic description fool you. This is the RWB you are reading about, after all.

I wonder if there's a dress code at Spruce Meadows? Some people were dressed in fancy casual with big hats which was s-m-a-r-t as it was HOT and there is little shade in the bleachers. There were a lot of white jodhpurs about which I commented to my sister that it is not a sport for those with cellulite due to the required attire. How about underwear? Anyone sporting their long line tighty boxers for the event? Oh wait! That was my son.

Yup. We had been there for less than 30 minutes when there was an all-out blow out and one little boy was scrubbed down in the public washroom, while his mother wondered what to do as she was not prepared with a change of clothes. Aha moment! W could go commando in his shorts and R could just wear underwear. And that is just what we did. I-yi-yi! Trust me....

Okay, so we've covered attire. What about etiquette?
Is there a noise limit for patrons? Whispered words? Normal talking? Yelling? Laughing? We laughed a very little. Oh, but there was yelling.
The first real yelling for all the horsey world to hear, was me. Not the kiddos. ME.
Yelling at an older lady. White haired with a big fancy hat.
If you were also there today, you would have witnessed me standing and pointing at this woman, with a crying W hugging my leg, yelling something like, "This is NOT your child. You don't need to say anything!"
Then marching away with W holding my hand and still sobbing.
W was running to catch up with his Grama and Auntie when he fell going up the stairs three times. The third time made him cry and that's when the grouchy grama decided to yell at my son. Telling him to slow down that he was acting like a jumpy horse.
Needless to say I was not pleased. And later not pleased with myself for making a scene.
Afterwards W and I went to a quiet spot to attend to his wounds and heart. Two other moms with strollers and little ones stopped to ask if W was okay. So kind! I admitted that I probably shouldn't have yelled at the lady but I don't like when people judge my kids....and they GOT IT. They agreed. made my hurt little, abashed heart pitter patter.
Thank you to the mom's who checked in to see if W was okay. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
It takes a village to raise a mom, and those ladies helped me today.


Whoa! I am so, so, SO proud of W. He had his first ever dentist appointment today and was a model patient.
Yes, it was neglectful of me to wait until he was almost 5yrs for his first dental visit, BUT I just couldn't imagine Dr. Phil being able to get a look at those pearly whites until now. Even still I was nervous and popped into the office pre-appointment to advise as to what could happen and how W needs time to warm up to new situations, etc.
Apparently reading the Berenstein Bears Go to the Dentist helped. Kids do learn through play, right? W was convinced he had a loose tooth and that Dr. Phil would pull it out. Thanks Robert Munsch, Andrew's Loose Tooth.
"Will it hurt?" W says.
"Honey, he won't remove any teeth. Just clean, and count them. Make sure they're healthy." I answer.
And they are! Healthy as healthy can be. Hard, and shiny white as they are all polished and accounted for (10 up, 10 down...just enough!) and fluoride applied.
W was a star!
For being such a perfect patient he picked a dolphin sticker and a giant royal blue, sparkly "jewel" ring. Yup, my handsome, brave boy picked a ring! Too cute!

Notice W's cheek? That was the result of tipping the water table upside down in our backyard, standing on it and then wiping out. Ouchers!

It was a day of appointments, as the afternoon brought a visit to our favorite chiropractor, Dr. Patty. Who bit her lip from laughing, when W who was lying face up on the examining table, told her "You should see my brothers eyeballs. They're falling out."
Bup has an eye infection. Don't worry, they will stay in.


Whoa! I am so, so, SO proud of W. He had his first ever dentist appointment today and was a model patient.
Yes, it was neglectful of me to wait until he was almost 5yrs for his first dental visit, BUT I just couldn't imagine Dr. Phil being able to get a look at those pearly whites until now. Even still I was nervous and popped into the office pre-appointment to advise as to what could happen and how W needs time to warm up to new situations, etc.
Apparently reading the Berenstein Bears Go to the Dentist helped. Kids do learn through play, right? W was convinced he had a loose tooth and that Dr. Phil would pull it out. Thanks Robert Munsch, Andrew's Loose Tooth.
"Will it hurt?" W says.
"Honey, he won't remove any teeth. Just clean, and count them. Make sure they're healthy." I answer.
And they are! Healthy as healthy can be. Hard, and shiny white as they are all polished and accounted for (10 up, 10 down...just enough!) and fluoride applied.
W was a star!
For being such a perfect patient he picked a dolphin sticker and a giant royal blue, sparkly "jewel" ring. Yup, my handsome, brave boy picked a ring! Too cute!

Notice W's cheek? That was the result of tipping the water table upside down in our backyard, standing on it and then wiping out. Ouchers!

It was a day of appointments, as the afternoon brought a visit to our favorite chiropractor, Dr. Patty. Who bit her lip from laughing, when W who was lying face up on the examining table, told her "You should see my brothers eyeballs. They're falling out."
Bup has an eye infection. Don't worry, they will stay in.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Just Another Day...

Today was a "home day", much to W's chagrin. The poor child is in with drawls from school and all his friends.
These little kiddos of mine who are still recuperating, are in that middle stage of still not a %100 well and not quite as sick. That stage where they manage to drive me just a little bonkers.
Some of the highlights are....
  • Bup getting many "Big Time Outs!" for throwing everything including a mirror down the stairs. Bad luck for him until he's 10!
  • Getting stuck...3 times...with his little naked bum, scooting around the outside of the railing on the deck. "Mom. MAWWWMMM! I stuck!"
  • Naked wrestling. Both boys. Naked waiting for me to read to them. Naked after getting all wet outside. Wrestling on the couch with W cheering, "It's the naked brothers! Naked!"(And no I did not take FH thought I should have!)
  • It took me until 11am to eat a Greek salad for breakfast due to constant interruptions and demands. "Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. MOM!!" Of course I fed them first thing! What kind of mom do you take me for? They didn't wait until 11am for breakfast.
  • Speaking with my favorite MIL...for about 10 minutes...burned the bacon for dinner, turned to see the boys sitting at the table....W was drinking from a crystal hurricane candle holder, juice container on the table beside him, and Bup was drinking from a crystal bud vase. Both items they had absconded from the side-board.
  • Bup gave himself a "big-time-out" at dinner because he didn't want to eat his salad. So, off he goes to sit on the stairs and announces he's having a "big-time-out"!
Tonight, I escaped to my sister's for an evening chat and left my poor husband to single parent. Relaying all this to my sister, a mother of four kids, she is laughing out loud, her husband is smirking...and they tell me, "It's all normal. Just a regular stuff."

So, there ya have it. Just another day in the RWB household. How was your Tuesday? Regular too?

Just Another Day...

Today was a "home day", much to W's chagrin. The poor child is in with drawls from school and all his friends.
These little kiddos of mine who are still recuperating, are in that middle stage of still not a %100 well and not quite as sick. That stage where they manage to drive me just a little bonkers.
Some of the highlights are....
  • Bup getting many "Big Time Outs!" for throwing everything including a mirror down the stairs. Bad luck for him until he's 10!
  • Getting stuck...3 times...with his little naked bum, scooting around the outside of the railing on the deck. "Mom. MAWWWMMM! I stuck!"
  • Naked wrestling. Both boys. Naked waiting for me to read to them. Naked after getting all wet outside. Wrestling on the couch with W cheering, "It's the naked brothers! Naked!"(And no I did not take FH thought I should have!)
  • It took me until 11am to eat a Greek salad for breakfast due to constant interruptions and demands. "Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. MOM!!" Of course I fed them first thing! What kind of mom do you take me for? They didn't wait until 11am for breakfast.
  • Speaking with my favorite MIL...for about 10 minutes...burned the bacon for dinner, turned to see the boys sitting at the table....W was drinking from a crystal hurricane candle holder, juice container on the table beside him, and Bup was drinking from a crystal bud vase. Both items they had absconded from the side-board.
  • Bup gave himself a "big-time-out" at dinner because he didn't want to eat his salad. So, off he goes to sit on the stairs and announces he's having a "big-time-out"!
Tonight, I escaped to my sister's for an evening chat and left my poor husband to single parent. Relaying all this to my sister, a mother of four kids, she is laughing out loud, her husband is smirking...and they tell me, "It's all normal. Just a regular stuff."

So, there ya have it. Just another day in the RWB household. How was your Tuesday? Regular too?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Free Lance Writing

Here I go...
....agreed to contribute two articles in Calgary's Child Magazine. These are for the Sept/Oct issue however the deadline is this month.
Now, I love to write. Always have. As a kid I would "write books" in my spare time. Binders or notebooks of cheesy, hilarious and now embarrassing books, which thankfully have been long burned. I think they're gone. Better check my mom's house with a fine tooth comb! I would also write love notes to my boyfriend. I was 9! But that's a whole other story.
Writing for myself, blogging, is one thing, but writing for all the fine readers of Calgary's Child to see....well that's another thing! I may be worried for nothing though as the articles need to be approved once submitted.
So, here I go. Taking one giant leap for my kind.
(Will keep you posted....hopefully they will be published!)

Free Lance Writing

Here I go...
....agreed to contribute two articles in Calgary's Child Magazine. These are for the Sept/Oct issue however the deadline is this month.
Now, I love to write. Always have. As a kid I would "write books" in my spare time. Binders or notebooks of cheesy, hilarious and now embarrassing books, which thankfully have been long burned. I think they're gone. Better check my mom's house with a fine tooth comb! I would also write love notes to my boyfriend. I was 9! But that's a whole other story.
Writing for myself, blogging, is one thing, but writing for all the fine readers of Calgary's Child to see....well that's another thing! I may be worried for nothing though as the articles need to be approved once submitted.
So, here I go. Taking one giant leap for my kind.
(Will keep you posted....hopefully they will be published!)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Weekly Photo Challenge - Pets

Introducing Angus...
and his brother Jordie.

It's Pet Week for the Weekly Challenge at IHeartFaces.These two fellas are the best of friends, rarely seen without the other. Our home is pet-free so Angus and Jordie are the closest to pets that our boys have. W loves them! Can you see the thoughtful look on Angus and the smile on Jordie? Hopefully the lens captured their personalities...even just a little.

Weekly Photo Challenge - Pets

Introducing Angus...
and his brother Jordie.

It's Pet Week for the Weekly Challenge at IHeartFaces.These two fellas are the best of friends, rarely seen without the other. Our home is pet-free so Angus and Jordie are the closest to pets that our boys have. W loves them! Can you see the thoughtful look on Angus and the smile on Jordie? Hopefully the lens captured their personalities...even just a little.