Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Guilt free shopping

Everyone loves for their little people to be on the best dressed list. Which can be an expensive task. This weekend there are two events that will help ease the financial challenge of kids clothing and other necessities. I'm an avid children's consignment shopper. Actually, I can count on one hand how many brand new items I have purchased for W. Brand spanking new is wonderful but previously loved clothing, toys, etc are often quality items that look like new or still have the tags on them. Plus, my little guy tends to grow out of things quite quickly therefore clothing is hardly worn by the time it's in storage and his wardrobe needs to be replenished.
Anyway, if you're interested this Saturday is the: St Patricks Kids Used Clothing & Toy Sale, no strollers allowed, 10am -1pm $1 Admission
Twins Triplets & More, Calgary's Largest Used Children's General Items Sale 10am-1pm Admission $1 Bowness Community Association- Cash only sales


  1. I'm so glad I don't have triplets!!!!!!

    Any ideas for Halloween yet?

  2. My nephew Adam advised me "wouldn't it be great if you had twins or triplets Auntie Maggie!" That kids crazy!
    Halloween....Warner is dressing as a Lion. Tried the costume on him the other day...too cute/funny.What about your boys? Thing 1 & Thing 2 from Dr Seus?
