Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Alone Time

Oh the silence. Other than the sound of a book I am listening to on Audible. The children and my sweet husband are out for the evening to invest the boys into Beavers and Cubs.

I love, love, looooove being home alone. A little down time, a little silence, a little adult noise. Ahem, the dishwasher and the IPHONE.  It's peaceful. The sky is dark and so is the house.

Our life here at RWB has revolved around the boys, our family's work'n'dad's home schedule, and just day to day life. The unexciting and definitely not mundane. We are homeschooling both boys, continuing with our work away & solo parenting schedule, friends, and  lego  lifestyle.

Recently, blogging has been inching back into the edges of my mind again. I have missed you and missed blogging.  So here I am, writing, while listening to an audio book, in the dark and enjoying this small process of re-opening the blog.

Until next time.....

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