Acquarium at Bass Pro Sports - image from Bass Pro |
Ever wonder the way to a ten year old boy's heart? Well, here's how you can win my Warner's.
First take him to Bass Pro Sports to play "the shooting game". 50 cents for a round of (laser) shots at targets that make taxidermied animals move.
"the shooting game" image from Bass Pro |
After dining on a 5 dollar fill up at KFC it was across the mall to Cinescape for a few more video games.
I tell you my heart was racing, palpitating after the Jurassic Park game and I seriously had my inside voice telling me about getting healthy so as to survive video loving boys!!!
All of these activities go against my heart but they are what he loves and it was a rare date. I hate video games. I hate taxidermy and dead animals and hunting. I hate guns. Sadly, I love KFC!! BUT Warner had the best time and was so thrilled that I did played games with him, which I almost never do. So what's a good mom to do?!