Saturday, February 12, 2011

Two Boys

These two little men keep me guessing and exhausted and laughing and a whole sort of things.

As you know, as a family we deal with ADHD and Tuberous Sclerosis on a daily basis. Lately, though the management of ADHD symptoms has been on the forefront of our radar. Which is in evitable cause it kind of has an "in your face" personality. So, TSC takes the back burner at times. Unfortunately, it's sneaking to the forefront again.

An afternoon spent at Clinical Genetics...for what I thought was supposed to be reviewing me and the hubster's Opthamology tests. Consequently, W and I didn't go just Bup and his Daddio and the fellow Geneticist was a little surprised and maybe not pleased? Oops!

Most of the appointment was reviewing info that is old news to us. Dr. Fellow Genetics trying to get to know us, I guess.

Although she was concerned about Bup's inability to draw lines and circles on demand. Really? He's 3yrs. Is he behind? I don't know. Didn't think so. This kid has the best tripod grip I've ever seen and has been counting over 20 for years. Seriously. Maybe there's some fine motor stuff to consider? Colors are an issue. We know that. He just isn't consistent with colors. Often cannot tell you the color but can pick it out. I find myself wondering if he really can't or WON'T. ?? Stumps me.

The date for Bup's long stay video EEG is set for March 21. Now to plan on how to entertain an almost 4yr old for a week in a hospital room. Read cannot leave the fact maybe not even the bed. Help!

Trileptal change...seems to be working. One "Wiggly Hand" today and they seem to be decreasing in frequency.
Two boys, two little men who like to throw us curve balls, and two different diagnoses to keep one step ahead of.

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