Saturday, August 26, 2006

Farm out of the girl?

One of my favorite summer past times is to take in the Millarville Farmer's Market on Saturday
The drive is lovely...cruising through the foothills, picturesque farms & acreages, mountains in the background...and the market is just as great. All sorts of yummy foods, artisans, crafty people, and flowers. Two ladies...the Suflower Ladies I call them...sell boquets for $5. A wonderful weekly treat!
This market day I found more than great buys. I ran into an old friend from my rural home town whom I haven't seen in 10yrs or so. It was nice to meet his wife and his little girl who is only 2 days younger than my little guy. What a nice surprise.
So, today I was blessed to have my fella stay at home with our little one while I enjoyed a sunny morning at the market.
Can you take the farm out of the girl? Being raised for the most part on a mixed farm means that I have rural routes (RR#1) and it seems that at times people in the city note this....yet when I am "home" in my rural community, there are those that consider me a bonafide "city-slicker". Which is it? Does it matter? Can I be both? Can you take the farm out of the girl?

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