Monday, May 16, 2011

Summer Bucket List

Spring is in full blooming force here. Finally! I must boast that our front garden is the prettiest on the block. Yep. Ya heard it here. Bragging about blooms! Tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, blue carpet, etc.

Our summers in Alberta zoom by and before I know it Fall will be killing my pretty flowers! Three months of summer is much too short.
So, I need to plan and prepare otherwise blink, blink and it's gone! Plus, with B's work schedule being's up to me to make sure we all have a super fun summer.

Here's our Summer Bucket List:
W: go to the beach
- Calaway Park...for a long, long time.
- that other park..hmmmm..Heritage Park. Yeah!
R: go to the hosdible (hospital). [uh, yeah, do you think we spend too much time there?]
- camping
- McDonnell's for a milk shake. (to which W pipes up..."You can't do that!"
B: camping
-Calaway Park
M: Boldocean beach (China Beach, Frenchman's Beach, etc)
-weekly park excursions
-horseback riding

What's your summer fun list? Check out other fun ideas here! Thanks to my friend for giving me a virtual kick in my bucket which therefore urged me to look forward to family funtimes.

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