Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Christmas is Coming

For those of you who know me well, you have seen first hand that Christmas is my favorite season. I do try and refrain until December 1st. (Which will be here soon!) So, until then I have only completed our Christmas letter, made a card list, several gift lists (checking them twice!) and that is it. No music has hit the stereo yet. This in itself shows amazing restraint on my part!
Our tree will be a bit different this year. With a 16 month old at home it's best that our tree is as child proof as possible. For us this means no breakable decorations, just ribbon, lights, and bows. It'll still be festive, just not over the top. Decorating will be completed in a whole new manner this year but I am up for the challenge. Bring on the tinsel (or something like it!)!!


  1. Hee hee hee...I was thinking of you the other day as I bought the Sarah McLaughlan CD Wintersong. It's lovely and somewhat moody as all good Sarah is.

  2. I'll have to check into that cd. Love Sarah!
