Monday, November 27, 2006

Mellow Monday

-40 with the windchill. That's even too cold for W and I to venture out with his new sleigh from Gramps so we're housebound today....which we have been for days since W is still recovering from Mucous Fest '06.
It's Mellow Monday....Harry Connick Jr is crooning Christmas carols to me over the stereo, there are cinnamon scented rose hips stashed about the house for a cosy homey scent, W & I managed to sweep half of the kitchen floor (he LOVES the sweeping is a bit of a challenge & he doesn't like the electric kitchen sweeper so...we share the broom...sort of..), his highchair has gone through it's weekly disinfectant wash (similiar to removing nuclear waste I'm sure!), a load of laundry has been folded (with W unfolding a towel or two and dragging them about Man's World), there's more laundry on the go and my little boy is sweetly asleep for his morning nap.
What a wonderful day!

Our little bubby's latest antics include climbing. This morning when I returned to Man's World from putting laundry in the dryer, there I found W sitting on the loveseat drinking his milk and "talking" on the phone. Okay! He couldn't get onto the love seat until yesterday and the phone is off limits. Thank goodness we have Shaw's a wonder where he has managed to dial in to!~ He finds being IN things very fun too: sitting in boxes, in the laundry basket, in his mega blocks shopping cart, etc. So fun! But the question will I keep him safe and is it really nerdy for kids to wear helmets during all waking hours?

1 comment:

  1. Your day sounds so nice and cozy!

    I think boys are built pretty tough. Amazingly they fair quite well for themselves, even with all the daredevil antics.
