Tuesday, December 12, 2006

16 Months

16 Months...still in the Little Explorer stage...and that he does!

This month has brought new stages of climbing, figuring out how to reach things that are off limits, throwing anything over the gate & down the stairs this includes all the cushions off the couches, kitchen utensils, toys, my shoes, etc, a small vocabulary has begun..."oh-oh, up, yuck, hot, Da (for Dad), mum-mum-mum (= yum, yum,yum...learned from a Cookie Monster toy), and the first syllables of a few other words. W still runs as fast as he can, will bolt when he sees you coming with a kleenex in hand, and loves to play & chat before eventually falling asleep for a nap. If you check in on him he has been known to quickly lie down in his crib & exclaim "oh-oh!"....knowing he's busted & should be sleeping.

The old cliche about "time flies" is all too true but I find myself looking forward to his vocabulary increasing. It'll be so fun, funny and will hopefully ease frustration on both our parts. However, that will mean I must watch what I say...no more "Holy Crap" from me, although I should KNOW this as my neice informs me I should say "crum".

1 comment:

  1. 'oh-oh' is a favorite word around here too. It fits many circumstances!

    As always, your neices are full of 'wisdom'. Holy Crum!!
