Friday, December 22, 2006

It Has Begun...

Technically the big day isn't here, yet but for us it really has begun. My mom arrives tonight...of course we have to share her with my sister & her family... shopping is complete....wrapping is unfinished
...some baking has taken place, been consumed, given away, and there's more to do yet shopping this afternoon
...convincing my little W to nap....every day! For some reason he has decided to forgo his morning nap and this is just not an option. He NEEDS it. Let's face it, I do too. So, I shall keep trying and in the mean time...
....stare at the pile of gifts to be wrapped, housekeeping to complete and wish I was Sabrina the Witch & could twitch my nose & all is done.

1 comment:

  1. Luckily the day will come regardless of our preparation or lack of, just like in Who-ville!
    All the best to your Maaaaahvelous family and we'll see you on the other side!
    (oh the stories we'll swap)
