W has reached the 29 month mark. Before I know it I'll be blogging about his 3rd birthday.
What a guy our W is! He's a talker. His speech is wonderfully clear for his age and it's really quite fun to listen to him. Sometimes at night when he's winding down you can listen to him talk about each little detail of his day while he's laying in bed. Last night he was again talking about Uncle B and Uncle B's fireplace and candle. The details he remembers! W also likes to sing so on any given day you can hear him singing the Alphabet Song (L-M-N-O-P...)The Little Drummer Boy (Pa-Pa-Pum-Pum)or reciting his books..."This kid make me crazy!"
W continues to be a physically active fella which includes playing horsie on the back of the couch (much to my chagrin), acting out scenes from his favorite DVDs and just generally running, and jumping around the house.
The usual toddler challenges are experienced by W too. Such as sharing. Especially with his baby brother. He's getting quite good about giving R another toy once he's taken one away from him, but R is also getting good at hanging on to said toy that is being removed so there's been one or two moments of R getting dragged to the ground while holding onto a toy for dear life. W will apologize and kiss R's head afterwards. He also talks to his brother if the babe is sad, "You okay R? Okay R! Momma R is really sad." That's pretty sweet.
W is a wonder. He's funny & enjoys humour..."That's funny!" He can be temperamental and determined, but can't we all? He's got to have some of my characteristics and not be just his dad's little boy!
It'll be fun to see what development brings for W next month.
He is so bright and articulate! It's really fun to hear them express themselves finally. Ok, not ALL the time, but it is entertaining.