Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Haunting

On the first day of Halloween, my Swamp Thing gave to me....
a boy named Dash who blew out his knee.

On the second day of Halloween, my Swamp Thing gave to me....
two treating boys and a boy named Dash who blew out his knee.

On the third day of Halloween, my Swamp Thing gave to me....
three jackolanterns, two treating boys and a boy named Dash who blew out his knee.
On the fourth day of Halloween, my Swamp Thing gave to meee....
four dollars & candies to share, three jackolanterns, two boys for treating, and one boy named Dash who blew out his kneeee....
On the fifth day of Halloween my Swamp Thing gave to me...
Five Freaky Mummy's....(and here's one of them!)....four....
We survived the Hallow'd holiday! The boys had so much fun and were thrilled to participate. As a mom who limits if not outlaws sugar, I was thrilled to see their joy of Trick or Treating and then their generousity in donating their candy to the kiddos on the Neuro unit at Children's Hospital as well as their share funds from their piggy banks.

It's really difficult to tell in the pictures at Emily's Backyard that they were happy....but they were. These boys of mine have a shy streak in them lately. Hence the escape artist and the one who is inching out of the frame.

Hale to the Halloween Fairy who exchanged candy for tiny toys like volcanoes, Star Wars playing cards and Rocket Balloons. That little witch's gifts made for a bright Nov 1 morning!


  1. Glad it all went well! What generous little men you have -- I bet you and B are very proud.
