Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dr. Woes

Where do I even begin? Or should I just be quiet and keep opinions to myself. Unfortunately, I am shocked enough to just keep on writing and ranting.
As some of you may know, it took quite a lot of super sluthing to get into my current baby doctor. One who came highly recommended by our doula, who also happens to be an RN and my sister. After months of frustration we were finally accepted as new patients. Yay!! Since then I have been happy with her on all accounts.
Today was another standard pre-natal check up. All is well with baby. Growing, growing, growing...Dr. C feels this baby will be larger than W was as I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead of schedule. This is no surprise. Some people feel we'll have a little 12 lb bambino, I'm hoping for 10lbs 4 oz (a nice manageable, small size)...only time will tell.
ANYWAY...during the visit, Dr. C advises that I will be meeting her replacement doctor next visit as she is taking an extended leave....extended meaning one year!!!
Normally, I would be so very, very angry and close to tears, but at the moment I am completely aghast & shocked. Why should I be surprised? We have had nothing but difficulty with continuity of care and the search for a compentent, compassionate doctor has been mind boggling.
So, hopefully the replacement doctor fits our family's philosophy on pregancy, labour & delivery. If not then what? I wish midwifery was covered by AHC. I wish I had found a Dr. in High River. I hope this baby comes very fast and is safely delivered at home...right now that appears to be the best bet. (Be careful what I wish for!)
Okay....my ranting is done for the day.


  1. Sorry about your Doctor....I have been there as my Dr. was on vacation when baby #1 was born...thankfully I knew the Dr. on call and all worked out well....I would assume that your Dr. would pick a replacement that shares her similar style and philosophy....do not fret until you get your first impression! Take care....

  2. Thanks for the calming words.
    And hey! Good to see you back...yay!!

  3. Yes, I was thinking maybe your new Dr. will be great as well!

    It seems that you get whoever is on call when you deliver anyway. I'd never met the Dr. who delivered the twins, and we had a real OB last time, not just a family Dr.

    But I agree wholly that midwives and doula's should be covered by healthcare.
