Friday, March 2, 2007

Read Along

As an avid reader, it's important to me that W develops a love for literature as well. Of course, these days it appears that the adults are reading children's lit more than not. So, here's what we have on the go.
M - Disappearance of the Universe; metaphysical - account of one fellow's experience with spirit guides.
Bun in the Oven - humorus week by week account of pregnancy from an Australian author. Quite funny.
Mom Management - Calgary author, just purchased today therefore I haven't even started it yet.
W - Jillian Jigs & Jillian Jigs Maker of Wonderful Marvelous Pigs by Phoebe Gilman, Canadian author, the complete story rhymes, illustrations are super cute, W loves these.
What do Daddies Do? A little Golden book. Quite cute.
Z is for Zamboni - A-Z about hockey, or "Go!" as W calls it. He is a hockey fanatic already.
B - Rich Dad, Poor Dad, what the rich teach their kids about money & the poor do not.
9 Steps to Financial Freedom - Suze Orman , spiritual & practical rules about finances.

Hey! Were you aware that you can read away your library fines at the CPL? Me either! Until my sister advised me of this interesting fact. Her children have chosen to do so upon occasion. What a brilliant concept.
What is your family reading?


  1. Thanks for the book recommends we just got invited this morning to a birthday party of a boy who loves hockey and I just called the local bookstore and they have 4 copies of Z is for Zamboni! Perfect!

  2. Lately I only have the attention span for magazines...and usually the free ones. The City Palette is fun...

    I miss reading.

  3. Most welcome Mrs. Sweet Peas! Hope your little friend enjoys the book as much as W does.
    Mrs. Mittens...two friends and I recycle & share magazines. Want to join the pass it on prose gang? I'm happy to keep them for you too & besides, it's cheaper this way.
