Saturday, September 16, 2006

Calgary Moms

Today I went here. It was not worth the effort. 15 minutes in and out. The only good exhibitor that caught my eye was the Lifestyle Wellness Centre, which I already attend. Other exhibitors were AVON, Tupperware, Passion Parties, Princess House, etc. They're just not for me. Definately other people are interested in their products, but not so much me. Really, is there not a better venue for purchasing your "where everyday is valentine's day" products? Maybe I'm a prude....that's been said of me before. It was lovely to get out of the house though (thanks fella!).
On Sunday November 19th is the "Mompreneur" Christmas Trade Fair. We shall see what interesting ideas it brings about.

1 comment:

  1. I think attending too many Mom&Tots fairs for work has scarred me for life!
    The Momprenuer fair sounds interesting though...
