Monday, April 30, 2007

Independence Day

Our W has become such a little boy and less baby. Although, he'll always be my baby. It shocks me sometimes how much he has grown and changed.

Today I took a big leap, maybe lost the parent of the year award, and let W play in our backyard alone. Of course, I was in the kitchen with the door wide open, could hear his footsteps on the gravel, little voice chatting away, and check on him every few minutes, but still he was basically outside alone. Yikes! I'm completely torn about this. In one way, it felt like a good thing because I could get dinner prepared a little easier than compared to when he is playing in the pantry, pealing onions, throwing things in the garbage and trying desperately to open the spices without me knowing. However, on the other hand it is so wrong. He's 1yrs old. 20.5 months and I let him go outdoors alone. Have I lost my mind? It's not like I sent him to the park or to play in the street, but still. *sigh* Today it all worked out well. Tomorrow...I may not go this route again.

In the meantime, I'm feeling a little nostalgic & sad that our bubby is becoming a boy right before our eyes.

Independence Day

Our W has become such a little boy and less baby. Although, he'll always be my baby. It shocks me sometimes how much he has grown and changed.

Today I took a big leap, maybe lost the parent of the year award, and let W play in our backyard alone. Of course, I was in the kitchen with the door wide open, could hear his footsteps on the gravel, little voice chatting away, and check on him every few minutes, but still he was basically outside alone. Yikes! I'm completely torn about this. In one way, it felt like a good thing because I could get dinner prepared a little easier than compared to when he is playing in the pantry, pealing onions, throwing things in the garbage and trying desperately to open the spices without me knowing. However, on the other hand it is so wrong. He's 1yrs old. 20.5 months and I let him go outdoors alone. Have I lost my mind? It's not like I sent him to the park or to play in the street, but still. *sigh* Today it all worked out well. Tomorrow...I may not go this route again.

In the meantime, I'm feeling a little nostalgic & sad that our bubby is becoming a boy right before our eyes.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Say It With A Song

The High Country Chorale's spring performance season has begun. Tonight we had our first spring performance, but before those details are shared here's what our family is listening to.

W - he's loving this right now. When he hears it on the stereo or if I sing it to him, at the end of the song he signs "more more". Yes, I bought the CD just for him. He's quite thrilled with "Wasn't that a Party" as well.
M - Paralyzer has gotten my attention lately. So has Miss Auguilera. Lovin' it!
B - as of late he's slightly obsessed with this Alberta Band. Our 13yr old neice thinks they have a Canadian sound and are easily identifiable. She makes me laugh, Miss I Love Akon & Fergie, I don't.

Choir. Tonight we performed for a group of retired seniors at the Renoir. In the crowd there was a few lively characters such as Sleepy Stan who in his front row velour leisure suit seat slept through the majority of the numbers until the group sing a long began with the song "Margie", which he belted out loud and proud. Then there's lovely Lavender Lilly who is an apprentice conductor from her chair and was often noted snapping her fingers and singing along. Loved having Ms. Lavender Lilly in the audience! All was going great until we started singing "One Small Step". Why is it that senior's residences must be a minimum of 90 degrees? The heat wave finally took hold and in the middle of the song, the room turned black and I had to make an exit before I inadvertently trampled my fellow songbirds. Picture if you will a rather large pregnant lady with a white blouse now sticking to her rotund belly as she makes an exit to the left, with closed eyes, hoping to find the wing back chair (she knew was there prior to the concert beginning) while managing to knock over the drummer's music stand. Oh thy name is Grace! Certainly no one noticed! However, by the small group of choir members who kept glancing to their left and then came to my aid at the end of the performance, it was obvious that my disapperance was anything but "One Small Step"....more appropriately one crashing, stumbling leap.
At least I made it until the last 3 songs. There are five more performances over the next month. Now, will I find a way to be faint free? Has anyone been "fired" from a choir due to expectant maladies? I guess I'll find out on Tuesday.

On Friday June 1st at the Red Deer Lake United Church our final spring concert will be held and is open to all family, friends and the general public. The Spring Swing! Our guest choir will be the Calgary Police Chorus. Come check us out!

Say It With A Song

The High Country Chorale's spring performance season has begun. Tonight we had our first spring performance, but before those details are shared here's what our family is listening to.

W - he's loving this right now. When he hears it on the stereo or if I sing it to him, at the end of the song he signs "more more". Yes, I bought the CD just for him. He's quite thrilled with "Wasn't that a Party" as well.
M - Paralyzer has gotten my attention lately. So has Miss Auguilera. Lovin' it!
B - as of late he's slightly obsessed with this Alberta Band. Our 13yr old neice thinks they have a Canadian sound and are easily identifiable. She makes me laugh, Miss I Love Akon & Fergie, I don't.

Choir. Tonight we performed for a group of retired seniors at the Renoir. In the crowd there was a few lively characters such as Sleepy Stan who in his front row velour leisure suit seat slept through the majority of the numbers until the group sing a long began with the song "Margie", which he belted out loud and proud. Then there's lovely Lavender Lilly who is an apprentice conductor from her chair and was often noted snapping her fingers and singing along. Loved having Ms. Lavender Lilly in the audience! All was going great until we started singing "One Small Step". Why is it that senior's residences must be a minimum of 90 degrees? The heat wave finally took hold and in the middle of the song, the room turned black and I had to make an exit before I inadvertently trampled my fellow songbirds. Picture if you will a rather large pregnant lady with a white blouse now sticking to her rotund belly as she makes an exit to the left, with closed eyes, hoping to find the wing back chair (she knew was there prior to the concert beginning) while managing to knock over the drummer's music stand. Oh thy name is Grace! Certainly no one noticed! However, by the small group of choir members who kept glancing to their left and then came to my aid at the end of the performance, it was obvious that my disapperance was anything but "One Small Step"....more appropriately one crashing, stumbling leap.
At least I made it until the last 3 songs. There are five more performances over the next month. Now, will I find a way to be faint free? Has anyone been "fired" from a choir due to expectant maladies? I guess I'll find out on Tuesday.

On Friday June 1st at the Red Deer Lake United Church our final spring concert will be held and is open to all family, friends and the general public. The Spring Swing! Our guest choir will be the Calgary Police Chorus. Come check us out!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Food for Thought

W's latest obesession during meal times is to balance the food on his head. Why? Yesterday this included a piece of watermelon, cantelope, pineapple and an apple. Not all at the same time mind you. It makes for interesting meals, not to mention trying to come his hair afterwards.
Oh! There was a time recently where placing food up a nostril or in the close proximity was super fun too. Yikes! Reminds me all too much of a time when a little girl I once knew pushed a fuzzy pussy willow up her nose. (No names to be mentioned....just let me say the retrieving was not fun!)

Food for Thought

W's latest obesession during meal times is to balance the food on his head. Why? Yesterday this included a piece of watermelon, cantelope, pineapple and an apple. Not all at the same time mind you. It makes for interesting meals, not to mention trying to come his hair afterwards.
Oh! There was a time recently where placing food up a nostril or in the close proximity was super fun too. Yikes! Reminds me all too much of a time when a little girl I once knew pushed a fuzzy pussy willow up her nose. (No names to be mentioned....just let me say the retrieving was not fun!)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pregnancy Cocktail

Alas, the twice daily cocktail for this last bit of pregnancy. (Non alcoholic of course, although there are days when I would give almost anything for a bottle of wine....)I offered to share with my husband last night, but he feels his reproductive bits are healthy and not in need of any enhancement. So, I shall reap the rewards of these alone.

Red Raspberry Leaf, Materna Pre-natal Vitamins, Flurodix Liquid Iron Supplement, Evening Primrose Oil and Folic Acid. Whew!

I once spoke with a lady who takes 32 different supplements per day and has for years, so there's no complaining here about 5 per day. 32...can you imagine?!

Pregnancy Cocktail

Alas, the twice daily cocktail for this last bit of pregnancy. (Non alcoholic of course, although there are days when I would give almost anything for a bottle of wine....)I offered to share with my husband last night, but he feels his reproductive bits are healthy and not in need of any enhancement. So, I shall reap the rewards of these alone.

Red Raspberry Leaf, Materna Pre-natal Vitamins, Flurodix Liquid Iron Supplement, Evening Primrose Oil and Folic Acid. Whew!

I once spoke with a lady who takes 32 different supplements per day and has for years, so there's no complaining here about 5 per day. 32...can you imagine?!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Aggie Days

Our family outing for the weekend consisted of taking W to see the animals at Aggie Days. He loved it! Not only was he able to practice his animal sounds but even was blessed to be licked by a cow....after he stuck his finger up the cow's nose of course. Poor boss.

Aggie Days

Our family outing for the weekend consisted of taking W to see the animals at Aggie Days. He loved it! Not only was he able to practice his animal sounds but even was blessed to be licked by a cow....after he stuck his finger up the cow's nose of course. Poor boss.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

What's a Girl to Say?

I feel as though I should have something profound if not at least interesting to write about.....but there's And it's not because life is lackluster, rather my brain is. Maybe this whole pregnancy brain phenomenon has really taken over?
Life has been regular and good this past week. Nothing short of ordinary and nothing that would bring about stimulating conversation. I am certainly not looking for drama. I love that my life is not a soap opera. That takes up much too much precious energy.
So, anyway, here's my random ramble about nothing.
May you all have a wonderful week that peaks your interest and stimulates good thoughts & actions.

What's a Girl to Say?

I feel as though I should have something profound if not at least interesting to write about.....but there's And it's not because life is lackluster, rather my brain is. Maybe this whole pregnancy brain phenomenon has really taken over?
Life has been regular and good this past week. Nothing short of ordinary and nothing that would bring about stimulating conversation. I am certainly not looking for drama. I love that my life is not a soap opera. That takes up much too much precious energy.
So, anyway, here's my random ramble about nothing.
May you all have a wonderful week that peaks your interest and stimulates good thoughts & actions.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

"If Wishes Were Horses Beggars Would Ride"

My dad would always quote this saying to me when I was a kid and wishing for something. It was quite annoying at the time, but oh let the beggars ride!
What do you wish for? You know, besides world peace.
Today my wishes include.....
a housekeeper, cook and nanny.
a full nights uninterrupted sleep.
diapers that do not leak.
to be full of energy, zip & pizazz.
sunshine and dry ground.
a 3 hr nap.

"If Wishes Were Horses Beggars Would Ride"

My dad would always quote this saying to me when I was a kid and wishing for something. It was quite annoying at the time, but oh let the beggars ride!
What do you wish for? You know, besides world peace.
Today my wishes include.....
a housekeeper, cook and nanny.
a full nights uninterrupted sleep.
diapers that do not leak.
to be full of energy, zip & pizazz.
sunshine and dry ground.
a 3 hr nap.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Medical Controversy

Our city & province is short staffed in every area including physicians. This is evident in the lack of continuity, how few Drs are taking new patients and the fact that it's often in the media. Despite this challenge, there was abolutely no way I would return to the Dr that was my family Dr and delivered W. It was a very difficult experience on many levels due to the negligence of the doctor. In fact, my doula who is also an RN, admitted our birth was the most traumatic birth she had ever attended. (That speaks volumes since she has attended a still-birth before.) Let's just say I was butchered with a smile. However, afterwards there were times when I felt I was somehow embellishing how badly I was treated...mistreated. This has also instilled a fear that I am working to elliminate or at least not let dominate me so that I have a peaceful and safe birth experience with this baby. Anyway, all of my hestitation, disappointment and disgust in my previous doctor were validated once again today. Recently he stopped providing obstetric care (which is ALL he did) and is on leave until at least July. Hmmm...very odd don't you think? Well, imagine reading in the Calgary Herald that said Dr. has been found guilty of having a sexual relationship with a patient for three years while continuing to treat her spouse and children. There's a fine of course, a 9 month suspension and he has been ordered to attend a treatment centre. An addiction perhaps?
Thank goodness I perservered in finding another doctor.
I find it extremely interesting and frustrating that MDs are protected. If it was a Registered Nurse in the situation he/she would have been written up in the AB RN magazine and then once the verdict was complete details and he/she's name would have been printed. The College of Physicians and Surgeons doesn't provide the same level of accountability. It is still such an old boys' club. How some things are so painfully slow to change in this day and age are beyond me. I guess, regular people such as I need to speak up more often and in a stronger voice. Canada is supposed to have such a wonderful medical system and I suppose it does compared to some countries. However, our system has a lot of positive growth to experience and strive towards. I hope it keeps moving in the right direction.
There. That's my soap box rant for the day.

Medical Controversy

Our city & province is short staffed in every area including physicians. This is evident in the lack of continuity, how few Drs are taking new patients and the fact that it's often in the media. Despite this challenge, there was abolutely no way I would return to the Dr that was my family Dr and delivered W. It was a very difficult experience on many levels due to the negligence of the doctor. In fact, my doula who is also an RN, admitted our birth was the most traumatic birth she had ever attended. (That speaks volumes since she has attended a still-birth before.) Let's just say I was butchered with a smile. However, afterwards there were times when I felt I was somehow embellishing how badly I was treated...mistreated. This has also instilled a fear that I am working to elliminate or at least not let dominate me so that I have a peaceful and safe birth experience with this baby. Anyway, all of my hestitation, disappointment and disgust in my previous doctor were validated once again today. Recently he stopped providing obstetric care (which is ALL he did) and is on leave until at least July. Hmmm...very odd don't you think? Well, imagine reading in the Calgary Herald that said Dr. has been found guilty of having a sexual relationship with a patient for three years while continuing to treat her spouse and children. There's a fine of course, a 9 month suspension and he has been ordered to attend a treatment centre. An addiction perhaps?
Thank goodness I perservered in finding another doctor.
I find it extremely interesting and frustrating that MDs are protected. If it was a Registered Nurse in the situation he/she would have been written up in the AB RN magazine and then once the verdict was complete details and he/she's name would have been printed. The College of Physicians and Surgeons doesn't provide the same level of accountability. It is still such an old boys' club. How some things are so painfully slow to change in this day and age are beyond me. I guess, regular people such as I need to speak up more often and in a stronger voice. Canada is supposed to have such a wonderful medical system and I suppose it does compared to some countries. However, our system has a lot of positive growth to experience and strive towards. I hope it keeps moving in the right direction.
There. That's my soap box rant for the day.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

20 months

Our W is 20 months today. 20 months of wonderment and growth. I have enjoyed all his stages and development and the only one I've wanted to accelerate is speech. It will come and has progressed quite well for a little boy toddler. Thank goodness for sign language as it's been a great help. Now we must teach him to sign feelings/emotions, to assist with self expression. It's fun to hear him emulate animal sounds & pretend to chat on the phone.
Over the previous two months W has developed a love of ketchup. (He must be related to my brother!) It's quite cute to watch him "dip" his finger food into a little red dollop of the favored condiment. Of course, his fingers eventually follow as well. Who needs a fork...except to comb your hair at the table?
W has become much more affectionate and gives kisses upon request and at will. Sometimes I think it's an effective stall tactic to delay bedtime. What a quick learner! But there is nothing quite like having your little one press his soft cheek against yours for a few seconds before giving you a sweet kiss and then laying his head on your shoulder. How can we not be wrapped around his finger?
One of his new "skills" learned from his buddy the Bee, is to take you by the hand to whatever it is he wants. IE: the front door to escape the house or into his little tent to which he then zips you in & leaves you there! :)
Probably the most noticeable change is his strong dislike/jealousy when either B or I are holding another child. WOW! It's apparent the upcoming addition to our family will require some patience and reassurance with W. He "likes" other children/babies, just not when they are in the arms of HIS parents. Good thing we attended the Helping Your Child to Adjust workshop last night. Hopefully, we are able to put what we learned into practice.
Probably the most exciting event for the three of us during this month, was the Boys Adventure Weekend, when B & W spent four days & nights together on their own. They did great! I'm so proud of them and the father-son bond that has been strengthened. We're all blessed to have sons & fathers that want to spend time together.

20 months

Our W is 20 months today. 20 months of wonderment and growth. I have enjoyed all his stages and development and the only one I've wanted to accelerate is speech. It will come and has progressed quite well for a little boy toddler. Thank goodness for sign language as it's been a great help. Now we must teach him to sign feelings/emotions, to assist with self expression. It's fun to hear him emulate animal sounds & pretend to chat on the phone.
Over the previous two months W has developed a love of ketchup. (He must be related to my brother!) It's quite cute to watch him "dip" his finger food into a little red dollop of the favored condiment. Of course, his fingers eventually follow as well. Who needs a fork...except to comb your hair at the table?
W has become much more affectionate and gives kisses upon request and at will. Sometimes I think it's an effective stall tactic to delay bedtime. What a quick learner! But there is nothing quite like having your little one press his soft cheek against yours for a few seconds before giving you a sweet kiss and then laying his head on your shoulder. How can we not be wrapped around his finger?
One of his new "skills" learned from his buddy the Bee, is to take you by the hand to whatever it is he wants. IE: the front door to escape the house or into his little tent to which he then zips you in & leaves you there! :)
Probably the most noticeable change is his strong dislike/jealousy when either B or I are holding another child. WOW! It's apparent the upcoming addition to our family will require some patience and reassurance with W. He "likes" other children/babies, just not when they are in the arms of HIS parents. Good thing we attended the Helping Your Child to Adjust workshop last night. Hopefully, we are able to put what we learned into practice.
Probably the most exciting event for the three of us during this month, was the Boys Adventure Weekend, when B & W spent four days & nights together on their own. They did great! I'm so proud of them and the father-son bond that has been strengthened. We're all blessed to have sons & fathers that want to spend time together.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

New Knitting Project

I've decided to work on this because I think it'll be quick & easy. But I'm not sure if it's something I'll actually wear. Is it too middle aged casual cruise wear style?

New Knitting Project

I've decided to work on this because I think it'll be quick & easy. But I'm not sure if it's something I'll actually wear. Is it too middle aged casual cruise wear style?

Thursday, April 5, 2007

One More Sleep..

I am so quietly excited! Like a child counting the sleeps until a big event, such as their birthday or Christmas or school ending for the summer. My big event, is Easter weekend.
One more sleep until I have four days of quiet solitude. Four days of sleeping in. Even if that means only until 8am. Four days of uninterrupted naps....or completing projects started ages ago such as W's scrapbook & sewing the remainder of the red accents for his room....of big batch cooking and freezing meals for the future when Baby Appleseed arrives, etc. Of course, this also means four days of quiet and maybe a tad lonely as my boys are driving across the province to spend Easter with our extended families.
A boys adventure! Four days of father and son bonding. Four uninterrupted days with the "good cop" and no "bad cop" (aka Momma) to shut down their fun. Four fun filled days.
...and then they will return home to open arms and a heart filled with gratitude that they are home with me again.

What I find most interesting about my husband and I deciding to spend the holiday weekend apart is other people's responses. It's probably split about 50/50. 50% of people think it's a great idea! Time for B & W together, time for me to rest and enjoy some alone time before baby #2 arrives. Then there's the negative nelly %50 who are concerned that something is wrong....with me perhaps?....with our marriage perhaps?...what could it be? It's quite entertaining really. The beauty of it is that everything is right! I am so blessed to have a husband who WANTS to spend four days on his own with his son and who encourages me to take some time for myself as he understands that being a stay at home parent means 24-7 and as wonderful as it is to be at home with children a break is still needed and deserved and it doesn't mean that anyone is loved any less. Quite the opposite really.
So, here's to my husband, our son, and the weekend!! Happy Easter to you all!

One More Sleep..

I am so quietly excited! Like a child counting the sleeps until a big event, such as their birthday or Christmas or school ending for the summer. My big event, is Easter weekend.
One more sleep until I have four days of quiet solitude. Four days of sleeping in. Even if that means only until 8am. Four days of uninterrupted naps....or completing projects started ages ago such as W's scrapbook & sewing the remainder of the red accents for his room....of big batch cooking and freezing meals for the future when Baby Appleseed arrives, etc. Of course, this also means four days of quiet and maybe a tad lonely as my boys are driving across the province to spend Easter with our extended families.
A boys adventure! Four days of father and son bonding. Four uninterrupted days with the "good cop" and no "bad cop" (aka Momma) to shut down their fun. Four fun filled days.
...and then they will return home to open arms and a heart filled with gratitude that they are home with me again.

What I find most interesting about my husband and I deciding to spend the holiday weekend apart is other people's responses. It's probably split about 50/50. 50% of people think it's a great idea! Time for B & W together, time for me to rest and enjoy some alone time before baby #2 arrives. Then there's the negative nelly %50 who are concerned that something is wrong....with me perhaps?....with our marriage perhaps?...what could it be? It's quite entertaining really. The beauty of it is that everything is right! I am so blessed to have a husband who WANTS to spend four days on his own with his son and who encourages me to take some time for myself as he understands that being a stay at home parent means 24-7 and as wonderful as it is to be at home with children a break is still needed and deserved and it doesn't mean that anyone is loved any less. Quite the opposite really.
So, here's to my husband, our son, and the weekend!! Happy Easter to you all!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Knitting Completed

Throughout the knitting class at the Heritage Time Out, this handbag is what I created. It's knit from netting, that was cut into strips, wound into a ball, knit and finally lined & trimmed. I must admit that I'm pretty proud of my first project.

What shall I move onto? Baby booties or bowls knit using wire? Who knew knitting was so much more than odd sized sweaters and varigated wool?!

Knitting Completed

Throughout the knitting class at the Heritage Time Out, this handbag is what I created. It's knit from netting, that was cut into strips, wound into a ball, knit and finally lined & trimmed. I must admit that I'm pretty proud of my first project.

What shall I move onto? Baby booties or bowls knit using wire? Who knew knitting was so much more than odd sized sweaters and varigated wool?!

Dr's cont'd

W & I atttended our first pre-natal appointment with the new doctor.
She's lovely! At least that's what I can gather from the first impression a 15 min appointment gives you. Here's hoping that's a lasting impression!
On a side note.....I was a little stressed about taking W without the stroller (it's in buried in a mound of snow at the moment), but he did really well. Probably better than me. The doctor made him her "assistant" so he happily held the bottle of gel, of course he tasted the nozzle as well, and watched intently as she took my blood pressure, measured my belly and listened to the baby's heart beat. He looked quite impressed when he heard the heart beat. "Momma's tummy makes sounds! It does MORE than just sticking out there for me to smack or bonk my head on? Wow!" W's good behavior earned him an Elmo sticker and me peace of mind. What else could two people ask for?
PS: All is well with Baby Appleseed....there's a suspicion that "she" is breech at the moment, but there's lots of time for changing position so it's a non-issue.

Dr's cont'd

W & I atttended our first pre-natal appointment with the new doctor.
She's lovely! At least that's what I can gather from the first impression a 15 min appointment gives you. Here's hoping that's a lasting impression!
On a side note.....I was a little stressed about taking W without the stroller (it's in buried in a mound of snow at the moment), but he did really well. Probably better than me. The doctor made him her "assistant" so he happily held the bottle of gel, of course he tasted the nozzle as well, and watched intently as she took my blood pressure, measured my belly and listened to the baby's heart beat. He looked quite impressed when he heard the heart beat. "Momma's tummy makes sounds! It does MORE than just sticking out there for me to smack or bonk my head on? Wow!" W's good behavior earned him an Elmo sticker and me peace of mind. What else could two people ask for?
PS: All is well with Baby Appleseed....there's a suspicion that "she" is breech at the moment, but there's lots of time for changing position so it's a non-issue.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Wedding Day April 2/05

The silly song is going through my head..."Happy Anniversary, happy anniversary, happy...." you know it.
Anyway, today is our 2nd wedding anniversary. Two eventful, fast paced years that I would not change given the chance. In some ways our wedding seems sooooo long ago, not a mere couple of years. We've changed jobs, moved in, had a baby, have another on the way, travelled, camped, etc, etc, all in two years. It doesn't look like much when noted on screen, but really it is. It has been two years of change and for those of us who are generally creatures of habit, it's been two big years. Again, a time that I would not change.
We celebrated our anniversary on Saturday night by having a sitter and going out for dinner & a movie. Nothing extravagant but so enjoyable. When the time comes that a person is unable to do these things on a whim, the appreciation for the little things grows immensely. While dining we asked one another looking back, what would you do different? Neither of us could come up with something earth changing. We're happy living and learning along the way in this relationship.
Today my favorite husband surprised me with a very thoughtful gift which he left for me to find early this morning. The card was incredibly sweet and had me in tears before 7am. Upon his return from work, his card/gift were waiting, but don't worry I wasn't able to open his water works supply, however I'm sure he was touched just the same.
So, here we are on to another year. A year of change since baby #2 will join us one week soon. A year of happiness, courage and positive growth together. Here's to happy every after!
Anniversary Date Night - March 31/07

Happy Anniversary

Wedding Day April 2/05

The silly song is going through my head..."Happy Anniversary, happy anniversary, happy...." you know it.
Anyway, today is our 2nd wedding anniversary. Two eventful, fast paced years that I would not change given the chance. In some ways our wedding seems sooooo long ago, not a mere couple of years. We've changed jobs, moved in, had a baby, have another on the way, travelled, camped, etc, etc, all in two years. It doesn't look like much when noted on screen, but really it is. It has been two years of change and for those of us who are generally creatures of habit, it's been two big years. Again, a time that I would not change.
We celebrated our anniversary on Saturday night by having a sitter and going out for dinner & a movie. Nothing extravagant but so enjoyable. When the time comes that a person is unable to do these things on a whim, the appreciation for the little things grows immensely. While dining we asked one another looking back, what would you do different? Neither of us could come up with something earth changing. We're happy living and learning along the way in this relationship.
Today my favorite husband surprised me with a very thoughtful gift which he left for me to find early this morning. The card was incredibly sweet and had me in tears before 7am. Upon his return from work, his card/gift were waiting, but don't worry I wasn't able to open his water works supply, however I'm sure he was touched just the same.
So, here we are on to another year. A year of change since baby #2 will join us one week soon. A year of happiness, courage and positive growth together. Here's to happy every after!
Anniversary Date Night - March 31/07