Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm So Behind

There are so many blog posts running through my head, and yet I find myself here only wanting to quickly blog and then go to bed for a nice deep sleep in which no child wakes throughout the night. What are the odds of that?
The boys have had "birthdays" (monthly ones), then there's Easter, pictures to share and the random thoughts/topics that run through my mind. Until I have the energy and time to do so, I'll leave you with the monkey story.
This week during our weeky shopping adventure at Superstore, W and I are turning to go up an aisle and find ourselves behind a man who is looking at the frozen food. This man is not of caucasian skin tone, he's quite stocky, not very tall, and has buzz-cut style hair. He is dressed all in black. Because he's stocky and the style of his hair you can see that his head is rather square and there are folds in the back of his lower head and neck. Normally, this gentleman would have gone unnoticed by me, however I was shopping with a rather loud, expressive and attentive two year old. Just when we were right behind him, W announces loudly & probably points, "There's a monkey!". (Yikes! UGH!!)" No, honey, that's a man."
"Mommy, Monkey-Man. Eeee!EEE! OOO! OOOO!" Scratching under his armpits as he finishes the sentence.
Oh my gawd! I've got to high tail it out of there without dumping W overboard, managing to not run any innocent shoppers over, and please please puhleeese don't let that poor man have heard my son!

1 comment:

  1. I'm always impressed with just how smart W is! He's very sharp that one =)
    R and B would have been too busy whining or fighting to notice anyone else.
