Saturday, March 1, 2008

It's 4am

There's not alot of sleep going on for me and the babe. It's 4am. We're both awake.
R is 9 months old and hasn't been sleeping through the night...again. Last night he was up twice. Which for some mom's would be acceptable, but it's getting really hard for me to be continually sleep deprived. My family suffers for it. My patience is low, my attention span is scattered and there are days that it's a challenge to remember the littlest things and really, is there an motherhood induced form of Alzheimer disease or Senile Dementia? If so, I'm definately more than borderline. So, all this has prompted me to yet again train/teach/encourage R to sleep through the night and give up his night time feedings. My little babe is not starving so he should be able to go 12 hrs without nursing. I think it's a comfort feeding, it's nice to have a snuggle and drink in the night. But the problem is his mother is getting grouchier and grouchier about the whole thing. So here we are at 4am, R is very sad and I'm feeling incredible guilt and wondering what the big deal is. Have you met a school aged child who is still getting up in the night to nurse? The odds are probably not so why am I doing this? Putting us both through this? Especially him. Poor R. I feel so badly for him. The attachment parenting folks would be sad that I am scaring my child for life. Oh, I do hope they're wrong.
I also hope tomorrow night is a quiet, peaceful, sleepfilled night for all of our household.
Sweet dreams dear readers. Sweet dreams.