Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dump Doughnuts

Today, all the boys and I took our old dishwasher to the city recycling center (aka...the dump). On route, W started asking for food...Mcdonalds, fries, milk, juice, crackers, more Mcdonalds, more fries. By the time we had deposited our old dishwasher and were driving through the checkout at the dump, he was sobbing with big tears rolling down his litle red cheeks, barely coherent asking for McDonalds' fries. At the window to pay, the teller tried to cheer him up by talking to him, to which W responded by crying even louder & hiding his face. And then the magic began. The gentleman at the window asked me if W would like a sticky doughnut as he had a large box of them from Tim Horton's. B & I agreed it would be okay, and the tears stopped immdediately. Who would have expected this? Let me tell you though, there was peace in the land... and B & I were laughing heartily. Thank you generous gentleman!
So, this is the tale of "Doughnuts at the Dump."


  1. Don't you wish that your kids had never had the evil arches?! I know I do...Wal-Mart isn't even safe!

  2. I really really wish I had the where-with-all to keep them away from the arches.
    Hey! Nice to see your comments again KnobSister

  3. My kids now routinely ask for chicken nuggets anytime we get in the van. It's just so easy sometimes...curse those Arches!
