Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Plum Stumped

Help! One would think if you can buy pomegranate juice, that plum juice would be on the shelf as well. Not prune, but regular plum. Such as the Sunsweet Plumsmart brand. I cannot find it. Today I tried the two organic markets and neither had it in stock, even after calling one which advised me that they did and then upon arrival they did not...frustrating.

W is to be taken off dairy altogether and plum juice is recommended by the Drs to ensure that the ear infections don't flare up again as he's right on the cusp with a bubble in each ear. So close to a clean bill of health and at the same time so close to another infection.

So, I'm the plum juice hunt is on. If anyone has some insight into this search, any tips would be most appreciated.



  1. How does the plum help? Does he need anything else to replace any nutrients he might be missing from dairy? Not that dairy is essential, but fairly prominent in most toddler diets.

    I don't recall looking for plum juice, but I will surely look next time I'm out!

  2. PlumSmart can be purchased at major grocery stores such as Walmart, Safeway, Kroger, etc. The organic/whole foods stores don't carry it - different distribution system.

  3. Thanks for the tips. However, Walmart does not, Kroger isn't here in Canada, but I'll try Safeway. THanks!
    Apparently plums break down mucous and the like therefore keeping everything flowing properly. No dairy substitute was recommended...I'm not sure what to do there. He's begging for cheese!
    We see the Dr tomorrow again so I'll ask further questions then
