Monday, August 25, 2008


Today I threw all caution to the wind and let my three year old ride in a helicopter.

Without me.

Well, yes, he was with his dad, and the ride was only for 6 minutes, but STILL a "hellihockter"!


  1. ummmm...I think you left your caution on the ferris wheel! *grin*


  2. A Helicopter ride! Whow! And with your most favorite DAD. Dad - does it bring back memories of the Hibernia rides? And how come Mom & R didn't get to do a special ride too? R can come and ride in the swather with Gramps instead!

  3. Is that enroute to Drumheller? We took the boys last summer - it was the summer of broken arms and we were trying to think of things they COULD do without getting their casts wet and were still pretty fun and the end of the summer we were told the casts are designed to be used IN WATER. My poor poor kids!

  4. Totally off-topic:
    do you know the Twinkle Toes gal or have you ever had your toes done by her?
    I seen your link and we've booked her for a bridal shower :o) It's in October so we won't be showing them off with sandals at all BUT I still think it's cool!

  5. Lesley,
    The helicopter rides are at Horseshoe Canyon on route to Drumheller and are cheap, $45! As far as helicopter rides go.
    Twinkle Toes Janine...LOVE her! I do know her and have been going to her for 8 years!! She's fabulous, fast and really talented. You'll be hooked, addicted like me once you've been twinkled. Let me know what you think.
