Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Time Out - Knitting

On R's third day here, this lovely gal from knitting class stopped by with a handknit kimono sweater and matching hat for our little fella. How thoughtful!

My poor fellow knitting pal though....I answered the door in my pj's with uncombed hair. Yes, it was noon-ish, but in my defence it was my first day home from the hospital.

In other knitting news, I'm looking for a simple project again. Any suggestions?


  1. If I don't shower before I get the kids up, there's no telling when I might get one!

  2. I've been trying to figure that out. But W gets up at 6am now (or earlier) & R feeds between 4-5 sometimes. Ugh. The shower at night thing works, but my hair is not pretty.
