Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Welcome 2010

Happy New Year!

Time for celebrating...reflection...and plans for the future.

Celebrating...we're off to share this holiday with my family in my little hometown. I'm really quite looking forward to it as it's been ages since I've been home....long overdue.

Reflection....I'm okay with saying farewell to 2009...this was a year of learning and perseverance in regards to advocating for my sons...lessons in the need for self care...loss of friends...pride in awareness work for Epilepsy and Cancer....lots of laughter and antics from the boys...etc, etc.

Future Plans...well, firstly, our little weekend get-away to Las Vegas. Woot! Woot!

Plans for self-care...even joining a weight loss competition at work (ack! what was I thinking!!) re-growth...organizing a girls' night in on a regular basis....and more importantly plans for more positive thoughts, laughter and enjoying my life..the little things...cause really, that's what it's all about.

So, 2010, bring us all peace, prosperity, and good health. The basics. That's what we need. Bring it on!

May the turning of the calendar be a time of peace and joy for you.

See you next year!

Mrs. M

PS: "See you next year" I clearly remember sobbing as a little girl when my father said this to me as he & my mom left for a New Year's celebration. I was devestated! Cause I really thought it would be a whole year!


  1. Happy New Year to you as well! I wish you and your family all the best for this 2010! Enjoy spending time with your family and we'll talk again "next year", lol.

  2. Have a great new years with your mom and all. See you guys in Vegas. I'll be the frazzled gram who just drove 2300kms to be there.
    Don't forget you had a spectacular 2009 --- you know how to cope and make all things go right for the greatest wee guys in the world.

  3. What a fun way to get the year started!! (vegas baby =))

    2010 will be the year to Keep Calm and Carry On, with some fun thrown in there too!

    See you soon xo
