Monday, February 1, 2010

February Theme....Oh Boy!

Thimbly Things & Made by Rae have started a wonderful wave this month.
Celebrate the Boy.
Sometimes boys are overlooked...even in little ways. For example, try to find crafts and sewing projects that are boy oriented. It's not easy!
Not to forget the deeper subject of raising boys...raising boys in a way in such that their boy characteristics are accepted, embraced and celebrated. Raising boys to become amazing our husbands.
So here's to our boys! I challenge all of you with boys out there to find a way to celebrate your boys all month long.

1 comment:

  1. That is a GREAT idea. Although February is pretty much always celebrate the boys at our house!

    Raising them to be good men is still daunting/somewhat baffling to me. I need all the inspiration I can get.
    (I know there is more to boys than potty jokes, making their sister cry, jumping/pounding and wrestling and always turning the hose on outside, even in the snow...RIGHT??!!)
