Saturday, June 19, 2010

The End is Here

It's all coming to an end this week. Our schedule...pre-school, OT, SNA in the home,
Rockclimbing class, and even our respite caregiver has the audacity to move to another province and leave us!!!
The last couple of weeks these endings were about to give me a wicked, itchy case of hives. What will I do? With all our spare time?
Today....even though the whole family is sick with colds....I'm good with it. We'll make our own schedule and find other more flexible ways to keep busy. Exploring the parks (despite the monsoons), Vacation Bible School, gymnastics, camping, camping, camping and an alphabet summer of sorts.
This Calgary Family Fun site brought lots of ideas about, some of which I had never considered such as the Spaceport, Grain Academy Museum (yes, my kids will be thrilled to learn more about grain and trains), pony rides, etc.
Having said all that....I do hope we can secure another caring, compassionate, responsible caregiver for the summer...and soon. Bup is going to be so sad that his "Hana" is gone. He LOVES her! Everyday he states that "Hana is coming tomormow" and always gives her hugs and kisses when she leaves. Poor Bup! He'll miss his Hana so much!
Here at the RWB household...the scheduled year is all over and we're ready for summer to officially begin today.

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