There was dancing [yes! my favorite husband too!!], beach snacks, a busy, twoonie bar [maybe that explains the dancing?] and a silent auction. All to raise funds and awareness for Cancers below the waist. A great cause! A great night, thanks to Mrs. Beck and all the other Tarts & Tallywackers! It was fun to have an adult date, dance, chat and laugh. A definite do-again! It made me realize how much I miss that side of me...those days when there was dancing and fun.
Our beach attire was quite modest compared to some brave soul...wearing only a towel! Such great enthusiasm & simple creativity!:) Yet, no one compared to the lady wearing regular clothes and swim goggles. She was the best in my eyes....maybe because she looked like she was having so much fun.
The Silent Auction offered some loot for all tastes...and we "won" a few items that we bid on which are identifiable by the pic. Just for the was not my handwriting on the bid sheet for the strawberry plate. Hmmm???Hmm??I wonder whose?
Before we left for the evening W asked where we were going. I explained and asked if he thought his daddy would dance with me. To which I received this funny response,
"No way, 'cause Daddy is a bad dancer!"
Well, here's a cyber round of applause to the Tarts & Tallywackers. They did a fine job in creating a fun beach event. I hope the Cancer below the waist cause received much prosperity from last night!
Sounds like a wonderful night...dancing, prizes, a great cause! All sounds good to me =)