Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Urban Camping

W was treated to a special date night with Uncle B. Urban Camping in Uncle B's basement!

What special memories Uncle B is creating with his nephew. W is so lucky...we all are so lucky.
A great night was had by all with much giggling, asleep by 11:00pm then up & off to McD's for breakfast and the play area by 730am!

Somehow, though, I think there was another camping skill taught that night. Secretly so.

Last night after tucking our Wonder Boy into bed and while singing Bup his lullabies, I heard W's little footsteps. When I came out of Bup's room, what did I see? A little pyjama-ed boy, standing on the deck in his Bob the Builder boots with a sheepish grin on his face. I was a little miffed as he was to be in bed and a little startled as I didn't think he would go out the patio doors, yes I had double checked that the front door was double locked. Oh, and one more thing....here's the Urban Camping Skill....a long line of yellow snow on the deck.
As my brother would say, "Don't eat yellow snow."
Not even at our dog-free house.


  1. Are making sure you put these pictures somewhere for safe keeping? Priceless, OK a little mortifying for you, but priceless for the rest of us.

  2. My sister informed me that this is NORMAL for boys. I'm trying to believe that & not get mad over these things.
    Gotta change my outlook & attitude!

  3. Hilarious! Good Ole' Uncle B! Busted! and that is just the secret you learned about....hmmm....when will the next one appear!

  4. aaaaaahhh boys...!
    I just keep telling myself one day it's going to pay off when the teenage years hit. Right??!!!
